Milk Nails: The Discovery

Milk Nails: The Discovery

There are times where I make a groundbreaking discovery in the realms of beauty. Very occasionally, but nonetheless there have been instances where I have likened myself to the Michelangelo of cosmetics and wondered how such a strike of genius could have been bestowed upon me. Yesterday was one of those days. I was scrolling … Continue reading

Bright Nails; A Summer Cliché or Sunshine Must Have?

Bright Nails; A Summer Cliché or Sunshine Must Have?

Admittedly, I’ve never been a huge fan of bright nails; upon wandering along makeup counters admiring the nailpolish stands, I’ve generally veered towards the two extremes of the colour spectrum; either polished nudes or deeper, darker tones such as burgundy, consequently dismissing anything bright or mid-toned. This spring/summer season however I have finally felt a … Continue reading